<developer />

I don't remember my life before coding. I just don't. The outcome of being able to create the fewest and the most awesome lines of code, everyday, is not just what you do. It's something that changes yourself and your perception of the world. That's how I see coding: everything is already there, you just have to keep the right mindset to acknowledge it. Then it's just a matter of keeping it simple and making it awesome.

I love using:

  • Sublime Text 2
  • Coffeescript
  • Nodejs

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in love with Photograhy

I started because I needed some fresh air. I continued because I needed a job. Then I became addicted. I kept buying better lenses and better cameras. They kept getting bigger and bigger. Until I became too lazy to bring my 19kg backpack everytime I wanted to take some shots. Then I sold everything and bought a mirrorless with a manual focus lens. I rediscovered how fun Photography is.

I carry around:

  • Sony RX1
  • Sony NEX-3
  • Carl Zeiss Planar T* 35/2

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& Design

I love good stuff. I love good design even more than I enjoy aestethics. I'm not good enough to be a proper designer, but I'm working my ass off to learn new stuff everyday, one step at the time. I don't want to be a designer, but when you like good stuff like I do... You want to be able to make those stuff, you want to be part of the lovely side of the world. This is how I'm trying to get there.

What I do:

  • Reiteration
  • Reiteration
  • Reiteration

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  • I am very good at skiing, martial arts and cooking. But I'm fat because of the last one.
  • Once I have been eating sushi everyday for an entire week. And I could do that for life.
  • I used to be a mac hater, now I am a Mac lover.